New and Re-classified
type |
Strain ID |
Species |
Proposer |
Supporting data |
Reference(s) |
ERBV-2 |
P313/75 |
Michael Studdert |
Complete genome |
AF361253 |
Huang et al., 2001 |
ERBV-3 |
4442/75 |
Nick Knowles |
partial 3D & 3' UTR |
n/a |
N.J. Knowles, unpublished |
P1 |
DQ108383 |
Black and Studdert, 2006 |
R4/75 |
P1 |
DQ108384 |
Black and Studdert, 2006 |
2484c/75 |
P1 |
DQ108385 |
Black and Studdert, 2006 |
379/75 |
P1 |
AY606992 |
Black et al.,
2005 |
83-11/89 |
P1 |
AY606996 |
Black et al.,
2005 |
9051-7/89 |
P1 |
AY606997 |
Black et al.,
2005 |
Black, W.D. and Studdert
M.J. (2006). Formerly unclassified, acid-stable equine picornaviruses are
a third equine rhinitis B virus serotype in the genus Erbovirus. J.
Gen. Virol. 87: 3023-3027. |
Black, W.D., Hartley, C.A., Ficorilli, N.P. and Studdert, M.J. (2005).
Sequence variation divides Equine rhinitis B virus into three distinct
phylogenetic groups that correlate with serotype and acid stability. J.
Gen. Virol. 86: 2323-2332. |
Huang, J.-A., Ficorilli, N., Hartley, C.A., Wilcox, R.S., Weiss, M. and
Studdert, M.J. (2001). Equine rhinitis B virus:
a new serotype. J. gen. Virol. 82: 2641-2645. |