The reference for the
Picornaviridae section in the 8th ICTV Report is
as follows:
Stanway, G., Brown, F.,
Christian, P., Hovi, T., Hyypiä, T., King, A.M.Q., Knowles, N.J.,
Lemon, S.M., Minor, P.D., Pallansch, M.A., Palmenberg, A.C. and
Skern, T. (2005). Family Picornaviridae.
In: "Virus Taxonomy. Eighth Report of the International Committee on
Taxonomy of Viruses". Eds. Fauquet, C.M., Mayo, M.A., Maniloff, J.,
Desselberger, U. and Ball, L.A. Elsevier/Academic Press, London. p.